Agile Book Recommendation: The Human Side of Agile

I would like to take a moment to recommend a book that I’ve had the pleasure of reading.  I recently had the opportunity to read the pre-publication manuscript of Gil Broza’s upcoming book, “The Human Side of Agile: How to Help Your Team Deliver”.  This book was excellent and really captured what it takes to succeed in building, organizing, and growing an agile team.  It’s not just theory and nor does it only talk about agile process.  It get’s into real fundamental people issues that need to be looked at, understood, and resolved in order to make your agile implementation successful.  Gil’s experience in this area is second to none, and I’ve had the fortunate experience to be trained and personally coached by Gil as well.

I was honoured to be offered the opportunity to read a book of this calibre prior to it’s publication.  As such, at the time of this blog post, the book is still pre-publication, and I’ve offered Gil a quick one line quote that will be published as part of the book.

“Gil’s understanding of both agile and people is remarkable!  This book brings comprehensive guidance in order to inspire, guide, and grow your agile team.”

You can find the link to the book here:

I highly recommend anyone in the business of software (developers, architects, qa, product managers, etc), or part of an organization with a software department to pick up this book regardless if you are currently practicing agile or not.  You’ll learn a lot!

About dandouglas
Dan Douglas is based in Toronto, Ontario, Canada and is a professional independent Software Consultant and an experienced and proven subject matter expert, decision maker, and leader in the area of Software Development and Architecture. His professional experience represents over 15 years of architecting and developing highly successful large scale solutions. Dan also believes that properly empowering teams with trust and responsibility yields the greatest results. | For inquiries about Dan's software consulting practice, please see the contact page.  Dan has also built up a network of highly successful and professional Software Developers and Architects who are highly respected and can be called upon and used in conjunction with his own consulting practice to handle the largest of consulting projects.

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