OneNote 2007 Introduction, The Webcast….

Finally, I’ve had a few hours to finish my webcast on OneNote 2007. It’s meant to be an introduction to the application and give the audience a feel for how it’s used and what it can be used for. I created a demo personal introduction video, created with Camtasia Studio, last month, but decided to go against the introduction video in the final version as I didn’t feel it added a tremendous value in this particular project. However, it was a solid personal exercise for me to speak on film and I got some great feedback. (Plus, I need to get a serious hair cut, and so I shouldn’t appear on any sort of moving film right now (that’s *supposed* to be humour) – I would have had to re-film….)

Although I have done several live webcasts in the past, this is my first dabble at an offline webcast and my first dabble with Camtasia Studio….

I welcome any comments, questions, or constructive criticism.

